We saw a total of 15 new birds during 3 days in L.A.
Day 1: Labrea Tarpits – Lake Hollywood Park
- Black Phoebe
- California Scrub Jay
Day 2: El Dorado Nature Reserve – Huntington Central Park – Bolsa Chica
- Bronze Mannikin
- California Gull
- Cassin’s Kingbird
- Heerman’s Gull
- Marbled Godwit
- Nuttall’s Woodpecker
- Orange cheeked Waxbill

- Orange Crowned Warbler
- Scaly breasted Munia
- Snowy Plover
- Western Bluebird
- White crowned Sparrow
- White faced Ibis

We did see a few other things besides birds…….
Like this adorable bunny at the beach

This dude was cool but a but scared….

The Turtles were enjoying the sunshine

and a stingray we could see from a deck!

..and this squirrel wasnt scared enough!

and this beauty was as well!