We saw a total of 219 new birds on this 12 Day trip.
Day 1: Barranquilla to Minca
- Chestnut winged Chachalaca
- Brown throated Parakeet
- Bicolor Wren
- Wattled Jacana
- Caribe Grackle
- Cocoi Heron
- Pied Water Tyrant
- Stripe backed Wren
- Black crested Antshrike
- Plain Ground Dove
- Greyish Saltator
- Scaled Dove
- Russet throated Puffbird
- Gray Kingbird
- Ferruginous Pygmy Owl
- White tipped Dove
- Lineated Woodpecker
- Snail Kite
- Neotropic Cormorant
- Lesser Yellow headed Vulture
- White headed Marsh Tyrant
- Groove billed Ani
Day 2: Minca/Santa Marta: Gairama Trail, El Campano, Bella Vista, El Dorado reserve.
- Military Macaw
- Scaled Pigeon
- Blue headed Parrot
- Dull Colored Grassquit
- Squirrel Cuckoo
- Southern Beardless Tyrannulet
- Cinnamon Becard
- Coppery Emerald
- Boat billed Flycatcher
- Sierra Nevada Brushfinch
Day 3: Minca/Santa Marta, San Lorenzo
- Scaly naped Parrot
- Santa Marta Parakeet
- Santa Marta Mountain Tanager
- Golden bellied Grosbeak
- Strong billed Woodpcreeper
- Yellow crowned Whitestart
- Santa Marta Warbler
- White throated Tyrannulet
- Flammulated Tree Hunter
- Rusty headed Spinetail
Day 4: Santa Marta Antpitta Station to La Guajira/Camarones
- Slaty backed Nightingale Thrush
- Mountain Velvelbreast
- Tyrian Metaltail
- Red billed Parrot
- Back banded Woodcreeper
- White tipped Quetzal
Day 5: LaGuajira, Los Flamencos Sanctuary
- Lesser Nighthawk
- Brown Crested Flycatcher
- Pale legged Hornero
- Yellow Oriole
- Pearly vented Tody Flycatcher
- White whiskered Spinetail
- Slender billed Inezia
- Northern Scrub Flycatcher
- Black faced Grassquit
- Vermilion Cardinal
- Orinoco Saltator
- Grey Pileated Finch
- Magnificent Frigatebird
- Buffy Hummingbird
Day 6: Bogota, Observatorio de Colibríes
- Spot flanked Gallinule
- Glowing Puffleg
- Black tailed Trainbearer
- White bellied Woodstar
- Blue throated Starfrontlet
- Green tailed Trainbearer
Day 7: Bogota, Parque Florida
- Andean Duck
- Least Grebe
- Subtropical Doradito
Day 8: Puerto Asis, Putamayo, Reserva Natural La Escondida
- Glittering throated Emerald
- Purple Honeycreeper
- Green Honeycreeper
- Grey breasted Sabrewing
- Golden winged Tody Flycatcher
- Pale tailed Barbthroat
- Green and Gold Tanager
- Double Toothed Kite
Day 9: Reserva Natural La Escondida
- Paradise Tanager
- Fork Tailed Woodnymph
- Spangled Cotinga
- Golden Tailed Sapphire
- Rufous winged Antwren
- Plumbeous Pigeon
- Golden bellied Euphonia
Day 10: Reserva Natural La Escondida to Puerto Asis
- Green backed Trogon
- Spotted Tanager
- Fulvous crested Tanager
- Yellow rumped Cacique
Day 11: Reserva Natural Escondite, Puerto Asis
- Orange fronted Plushcrown
- Grey capped Flycatcher
- Cream colored Woodpecker
- Large headed Flatbill
- Speckled Chachalaca
- Masked Tanager
- Red bellied Macaw
- Scarlet crowned Barbet
- Rufous headed Woodpecker
- Hook billed Kite
- Silver beaked Tanager
- Yellow crowned Tyrannulet
- Yellow Tufted Woodpecker
- Opal crowned Tanager
Day 12: Puerto Asis/Orito
- Yellow browed Sparrow
- Magpie Tanager
- Chestnut Woodpecker
- Long billed Wodcreeper
- Rufescent Tiger Heron
- Turqoise Tanagers
- Chestnut eared Aracari
- Spot breasted Woodpecker
- Red breasted Meadowlark
- Horned Screamer
- Yellow chilled Spinetail
- Amazon Kingfisher
- Northern Screamer
- Black collared Hawk
- Large billed Tern
- White necked Jacobin
- Whooping Motmot
- Buff throated Saltator
- White venter Plumeleteer
- Rufous capped Warbler
- Pale breasted Thrush
- Rufous breasted Wren
- Streak headed Woodcreeper
- Black and White Owls
- Orance chinned Parakeet
- Crested Oropendola
- Swallow Tanager
- Sooty headed Tyrannulet
- Orange crowned Oriole
- Social Flycatcher
- Rufous tailed Jacamar
- Golden Winged Sparrow
- Santa Marta Brushfinch
- Rusty Flowerpiercer
- Broad winged Hawk
- Masked Trogon
- Blue naped Chlorophonia
- Black throated Tody tyrant
- Lesser Violetear
- Band tailed Guan
- Golden breasted Fruiteater
- Streak capped Spinetal
- Mountain Elaenia
- Hermit Wood Wren
- Andean Siskin
- Sparkling Violetear
- White lored Warbler
- Lazuline Sabrewing
- Montane Foliage Gleaner
- Black hooded Thrush
- Santa Marta Antpitta
- Brown capped Tyrannulet
- Black headed Tody Flycatcher
- Mourning Warbler
- Rufous Vented Chachalaca
- Bare eyed Pigeon
- Red billed Emerald
- Glaucous Tanager
- White fringed Antwren
- Savannah Hawk
- Northern Crested Caracara
- Trinidad Euphonia
- Tocuyo Sparoow
- Straight billed Woodcreeper
- Chestnut Piculet
- Buff necked Ibis
- Double Striped Thick-knee
- Green rumped Parrotlet
- American Flamingo
- Sword billed Hummingbird
- Black flowerpiercer
- Pale naped Brushfinch
- Great Sapphirewing
- Red crested Cotinga
- Bogota Rail
- Rufous browed Conebill
- Yellow Hooded Blackbird
- Black and White Tody Flycatcher
- Violaceous Jay
- Crimson Crested Woodpecker
- Ecuadorian Piedtail
- Wedgebilled Woodcreeper
- Blue Crowned Manakin
- Amazonian Umbrellabird
- Black faced Dacnis
- Speckled Tanager
- Mealy Parrot
- White browed Purpletuft
- Yellow bellied Tanager
- Collared Trogon
- Spot backed Antbird
- Lafresnayes Piculet
- Maroon tailed Parakeet
- Black faced Antbird
- Opal Rumped Tanager
- Yellow bellied Dacnis
- Short tailed Swift
- Black fronted Nunbird
- Greater Ani
- Red capped Cardinal
- Orange crowned Troupial
- Swllow winged Puffbird
- White winged Swallow
- Hoatzin
- White banded Swallow
- Mottle backed Elaenia
- Blue winged Parrotlet
- Black Capped Donocobius
- Lettered Aracari
- Short crested Flycatcher
- Caqueta Seedeater
- Lessons Seedeater
- Scarlet Ibis
- Yellow billed Tern
- Pied Lawping
- Brown chested Martin
Colombia is so rich with other wildlife…….
Basilisk Lizard
Cute mammals like this Agouti
Don’t forget the primates
and lots of movement in the night
and beautiful moths
The rainforest is filled with life