We saw a total of 10 new birds during our 3 day trip
Day 1: Pawnee Grasslands – Sawhill Ponds
- Brewer’s Sparrow
- Clay Colored Sparrow
- Vesper Sparrow
Day 2: Rocky Mountain Arsenal – Bluff Lakes
- Lazuli Bunting
- Wilson’s Phalarope
- Yellow headed Blackbird
Day 3: Mt. Evans – Garden of the Gods
- American Pipit
- Brown Capper Rosy Finch
- Clark’s Nutcracker
- Western Wood Pewee

Colorado is SO Diverse…….
With big mammals like these Mountain Goats

Smaller ones like the Prairie Dog

The Pronghorn Deer were amazing

and Bison!

….and this Marmot!

along with these Mule Deer fawns!